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a good paint for pours!
I\’ve been using Atelier Interactive for years and they are superb. The ability to re-wet the surface with either water or the Unlocking Formula makes them so flexible compared to other acrylic paints. I enjoy the consistency of the paint. I can work thickly or use a medium to give greater flow.
i love these acrylics they are blendable, beautiful colors and easy to work with
I use Atelier Interactive acrylics regularly, and I love them. The colours are vibrant, and I love the ease of use.

These paints are a vibrant easy flow paint. You can mix with Atelier liquefying Medium for a more softer fine flow to get those fine details in your painting. I have even used them in pouring. The rich deep colours blend together easily creating a beautiful colour palate, that allows your paintings to stand out in any room.
I’ve been using these acrylics for over five years. I love their versatility to work like a watercolour, or thick like oils with its interactive nature to open up even if it’s dried. Perfect for our Queensland weather, I adore them!
I have been using Interactives for over seven years now and cannot find anything to compare. The ability to re-work is so helpful and the colours stay true, with easy blending. Superb quality product.
This medium provides an effective base for my paintings. After priming my canvas, I spread this on thick with a knife like icing. I then drag various tools through it to create the texture that I want. After I let it dry overnight, I begin my painting. Molding paste (formerly called modeling compound) is a critical element to the look of my work.